Our all-in-one software package provides a single solution encompassing all aspects of operating a successful telecom company. We not only provide a connection from your customers to your carriers, but a guarantee of traffic efficiency and security while maximizing your profitability and compliance.

 Why switch?

The evidence is in our clients average growth of 35% from year 2 to year 3 and a staggering average peak growth of 201%

The business efficiencies created by SipNav have proven to be a catalyst for expansion in the industry. Accounting, billing, taxation, branded customer facing interface, rate deck creation and distribution, advanced routing, compliance, real time reporting, CDR management, continuous call tracing, bill reconciliation, agent management, all run by a single solution with an intuitive interface. 

Compliance Focused

We are continually developing new features to help ensure your traffic is clean and you stay in compliance with both your carriers and the government.

Bad actors in this industry are always finding new ways to scam the innocent. SipNav is dedicated to eliminating every loophole they find. We have every blocking feature you need and ones you never thought you needed. 



As an exclusive offer SipNav provides our clients the RoboGuard product for free.

This is a Robocall Mitigation Database designed to block the type of campaigns that the Traceback Group and the FCC specifically target. When RoboGuard identifies a bad actor they add the inbound media IP of that call to their database in real-time. Subsequently, blocking the bad actors traffic before it has a chance to generate tracebacks and FCC complaints.


Do you have your STIR/SHAKEN certificate yet? With a SipNav switch you can sign and verify your calls free of charge.

Managing your customers DIDs, their attestation levels and even blocking calls that do not meet the attestation level you are comfortable with is completed in a few simple clicks.

If you don’t have a STIR/SHAKEN certificate and need help getting started, check out our step by step guide or reach out to us directly.

Advanced Analytics

In telecom stats are your biggest indication of how things are going and what actions need to be taken. SipNav offers clients more details over a wider range of consequential datapoints. 

If data mining is your thing, you’re in luck. Our CDRs include over 90 datapoints for every single call attempt in and out of your switch. 

Profit Maximization

Our rate deck creation logic, flexible pricing features, advanced routing capabilities, along with the most detailed stats and CDRs of any switch on the market are just the foundation of what SipNav provides carriers to help you maximize their companies profits. SipNav is headed by industry experts backed by the software and hardware that allows you to reduce business costs across the board ultimately improving your overall bottom line.


SipNav clients are able to filter their incoming traffic against the Somos RealNumber DNO database at no cost to you.

The purpose of this database is to allow Responsible Organizations (Resp Orgs) to identify in-bound only Toll-Free Numbers and 10-digit local numbers as Do Not Originate (DNO).  It includes over 6 billion Toll-Free and local numbers identified as DNO with entries being added or removed daily.

User-Friendly UI

No confusing nomenclature or dizzying workflows. The SipNav interface is not a built by engineers, our user experience is built by carriers for carriers.     

The approach has always been to be efficient and flexible, letting the user achieve as much as possible with little thought and effort. Thinking like a carrier and also listening to our clients needs has allowed us to offer more meaningful tools and individual control compared to our competitors. 


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Many of your peers already have. Our 100% retention rate proves they don’t regret it.

Chris, Range Telecom

The margin went up 42% in my carrier trunk and my ASR doubled. Only difference was moving to SipNav.

John, OesterLink

SipNav is providing the solution for carriers that want to grow their business while doing it safely and securely.